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Fact Finding 29

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The Commission initiated Fact Finding No. 29, International Ocean Transportation Supply Chain Engagement, in order to identify operational solutions to cargo delivery system challenges related to COVID-19.  As Fact Finding Officer, Commissioner Rebecca Dye was also authorized to convene Supply Chain Innovation Teams that engaged key executives from all facets of the ocean cargo system to support the effort.

5/31/2022 – Commissioner Dye Releases Final Report for Fact Finding No. 29

5/19/2022 – FMC Receives Fact Finding 29 Final Recommendations and Intermodal Equipment Report

2/15/2022 – Commissioner Dye Explains Options for Filing Complaints at FMC

2/4/2022 – Commission Invites Comments on Benefits of New Demurrage and Detention Rule

12/28/2021 – FMC Policy Statements Provide Guidance on Complaints Process

9/15/2021 – FMC to Issue Guidance on Complaint Proceedings and Seek Comments on Demurrage and Detention Billings

7/28/2021 – FMC Hears Proposals Addressing Supply Chain and Cruise Issues

7/28/2021 – Remarks of Commissioner Rebecca Dye on Fact Finding 29 Interim Recommendations

2/17/2021 – Information Demand on Detention and Demurrage Practices to Be Issued

12/17/2020 – Fact Finding 29: Advice to the Trade

11/20/2020 – Commission Approves Supplemental Order Expanding Fact Finding 29 Authority

10/1/2020 – Commission Extends Temporary Exemption of Certain Service Contract Filing Requirements

9/10/2020 – DHS Secretary Briefed on COVID-19 Impacts to Cruise Industry and Ocean Shipping

8/4/2020  – Commissioner Dye Completes Work in NY and NJ, Turns Attention to New Orleans

7/16/2020 – Dye Covid-19 Supply Chain Investigation Shifts Focus to NY/NJ in Phase Two

6/17/2020 – Commissioner Dye Announces Findings of San Pedro Bay Discussions

5/14/2020 — Fact Finding 29 Innovation Teams Identify Information Helpful to Mitigating COVID-19 Impacts on Supply Chain

4/06/2020  — Fact Finding 29 Supply Chain Innovation Teams to Begin Work

3/31/2020  — Commissioner Dye Leading FMC Initiative to Address Urgent COVID-19 Supply Chain Impacts

3/31/2020  — Chairman Michael Khouri Comments on Fact Finding 29