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January 2024 Activity Report


FMC Announces Hearing on Shipping Conditions in the Red Sea

The Federal Maritime Commission announced it will hold an informal public hearing on February 7, 2024, to examine how conditions in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden regions are impacting commercial shipping and global supply chains.

Maximum Penalty Fees Adjusted

The Federal Maritime Commission will increase the maximum penalties assessed for statutory violations effective January 15, 2024, as required by the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 2015. The increases are tied to the rate of inflation.

Industry Advisory—Requiring No Cost Access to Tariff Publication Systems

Pursuant to a Final Rule, Common Carriers and Conferences must provide public access to their tariff publication systems free of charge effective February 1, 2024.

Commission Announces New Secretary

Federal Maritime Commission Chairman Daniel B. Maffei announced the hiring of David Eng to serve as Secretary of the Commission.

December 2023 Activity Report


Order Affirming Initial Decision in Part and Remanding in Part—Color Brands, LLC v. AAF Logistics, Inc. (Docket No. 22-18)

Initial Decision on Default (January 27, 2023)

Special Permission Approval—American President Lines, LLC (SP-011968)

Special Permission Approval—Ocean Network Express Pte., Ltd. (SP-011969)

Special Permission Approval—Vanguard Logistics Services (USA), Inc. (SP-011970)

Special Permission Approval—Wan Hai Lines Ltd. (SP-011971)


Crowley/King Ocean Vessel Sharing Agreement (No. 012486-001)

Turkon/Hapag-Lloyd/Arkas Vessel Sharing Agreement (No. 201415)

CMA CGM to ONE USEC—Caribbean—WCSA Space Charter Agreement (No. 201416)


Applications 48

Revocations 34

Please see the OTI License Status Changes webpage for additional information.

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