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FMC Launches Export Phase of Supply Chain System Information Initiative

NR 17-14

Contact: John K. DeCrosta (202) 523-5911

Commissioner Rebecca Dye launched the second phase of the agency’s Supply Chain Innovation Teams initiative today. Phase two will focus on identifying the “actionable” information needed by supply chain actors for improved supply chain system visibility, reliability and resilience.

The first phase of the FMC initiative focused on the import supply chain and ran from May to October of 2016. The key goals of the import teams were enhanced supply chain visibility and performance. The import teams identified the need for a national seaport information portal.

In phase two, nearly 40 experienced industry leaders, organized into three teams, will advance that effort – representing public port authorities, warehouses, exporters, ocean carriers, longshore labor, ocean transportation intermediaries, trucking, and rail. The export teams will meet in Washington for two days beginning today — with additional meetings as agreed by the participants.

“Actionable knowledge, is the key differentiator, in today’s economy, between being competitive or not,” said Commissioner Dye. “Commerce in the 21st Century depends on developing and maintaining first-class information infrastructures. Our nation’s ocean transportation supply system needs accurate, actionable information delivered in a reliable and timely way.”

Dye emphasized the systemic nature of the supply chain, adding that the FMC project is focused on delivering key pieces of critical information, not just large amount of data. “Our teams are “stepping out of their silos” to identity their needs for strategic information, so that our entire supply chain can operate as a harmonious system.”

“We are convinced that seaport information infrastructure is key to American economic competitiveness,” Dye concluded.

Commissioner Dye’s goal is to complete the export portion of the Supply Chain Innovation Initiative this fall.

The Federal Maritime Commission is responsible for regulating the Nation’s international ocean transportation for the benefit of exporters, importers, and the American consumer. The Commission’s mission is to foster a fair, efficient, and reliable international ocean transportation system while protecting the public from unfair and deceptive practices.
