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Bureaus and Offices

Office of the Managing Director

Office of the Managing Director (OMD) implements the administrative directives of the Chairman, manages and coordinates program offices and bureaus, and oversees the administrative offices, including the Offices of Budget and Finance (OBF), Human Resources (OHR), Information Technology (OIT), and Management Services (OMS). The Managing Director serves as the Chief Operating Officer.

Bureau of Certification and Licensing

Bureau of Certification and Licensing (BCL) protects the public from financial harm through its OTI licensing, registration, and surety bonding programs. BCL also protects the public by requiring passenger vessel operators (PVOs) to maintain adequate financial coverage to reimburse cruise cancellations or to cover liability in the event of death or injury at sea.

Bureau of Enforcement, Investigations, and Compliance

The Federal Maritime Commission’s Bureau of Enforcement, Investigations, and Compliance (BEIC) investigates and prosecutes civil violations of the laws and regulations under the Commission’s authority and seeks compliance with its laws and regulations from regulated entities. 

BEIC is comprised of three sections: the Office of Enforcement, the Office of Investigations, and the Office of Compliance. 

Bureau of Trade Analysis

The Bureau of Trade Analysis (BTA) is responsible for reviewing agreements among vessel operating common carriers or marine terminal operators and overseeing competition under the standards of 46 USC Chapter 403. BTA processes common carrier tariff registrations, reviews carrier published tariffs and marine terminal operator schedules in compliance with 46 CFR Parts 520, 525, 530, 531, and 532. BTA administers monitoring programs on agreements under 46 CFR Part 535.

Consumer Affairs and Dispute Resolution Services

Office of Consumer Affairs and Dispute Resolution Services (CADRS) aids shippers, OTIs, cruise operators and passengers, truckers, MTOs, and carriers by providing alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services, ombuds assistance, mediation, and facilitation to resolve disputes involving cargo shipments, household goods shipments, and cruises.

Office of the General Counsel

Office of the General Counsel (OGC) provides legal services to the Commission and staff as it fulfills responsibilities, including preparing final decisions, orders, and regulations for Commission approval and issuance; represents the Commission in litigation before the courts; provides technical and policy assistance to other government agencies engaged in international negotiations or discussions on shipping matters; and provides legal opinions to the Commission, its staff, and the general public in appropriate instances. OGC also oversees the Commission’s international affairs activities. The General Counsel serves as the Chief Legal Officer.

Office of the Secretary

Office of the Secretary (OS) serves as the focal point through which all filings are made in Commission proceedings, notices of proceedings are given, and from which all official actions are issued. OS prepares and maintains agenda matters and actions taken by the Commission; maintains official files and records of formal proceedings; ensures compliance with the Freedom of Information, Government in the Sunshine, and Privacy Acts; responds to information requests from the public; issues publications and authenticates instruments and documents; maintains a public reference/law library and a docket library; and oversees the organization and content of the Commission’s website.

Office of Inspector General

Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is an independent oversight office created within the FMC by the Inspector General Act of 1978 (as amended) to conduct and supervise audits, reviews, and investigations relating to the FMC’s programs; to detect and prevent waste, fraud, and abuse; to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness; to keep the Chairman, Commissioners, and Congress fully informed of serious problems and deficiencies and recommend corrective actions; and, as appropriate, to report violations of law to the U.S. Attorney General.

Office of Administrative Law Judges

Office of the Administrative Law Judges (OALJ) independently presides over administrative hearings and resolves cases involving alleged violations of the Shipping Act of 1984 initiated by private parties or by the Commission.

Office of Equal Employment Opportunity

Office of Equal Employment Opportunity (OEEO) advises and assists the Commission in carrying out its responsibilities relative to Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended), other laws, executive orders, and regulatory guidelines implementing affirmative employment; and the processing of EEO complaints.