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Office of Inspector General (OIG)

On this page

The Federal Maritime Commission’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) is an independent and objective oversight office created within the FMC by the Inspector General Act of 1978 (as amended) to:

  • Conduct and supervise audits, reviews, and investigations relating to FMC programs
  • Detect and prevent waste, fraud and abuse
  • Promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the administration and management of FMC programs
  • Review existing and proposed legislation and regulations and make appropriate recommendations
  • Maintain effective working relationships with other Federal, State and local governmental agencies, and non-governmental entities, regarding the mandated duties of the Inspector General
  • Keep the FMC Chairman and Commissioners, and Congress fully informed of serious problems and deficiencies, and recommend, when appropriate, corrective actions and implementation measures
  • Report violations of law to the U.S. Attorney General

About the OIG


Jon Hatfield, Inspector General
Phone: 202-523-5863
Hotline: 202-523-5865

Email: OIG@fmc.gov

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