OIG Audits and Reviews

To improve FMC management and effectiveness, the OIG conducts audits and reviews of agency programs and activities. In general, these activities involve an examination and analysis of FMC bureaus or offices, programs, or operations.

Audit and Review Process

The auditor may review, analyze, and verify agency records and obtain information by interviews, questionnaires, and physical inspections.

This process includes these steps:

  • Written notification followed by an entrance meeting with FMC managers before the audit begins
  • Audit fieldwork
  • An exit meeting with management to discuss the audit results
  • A draft audit report to FMC management for comment
  • A final audit report presenting the results of the audit along with applicable findings and recommendations
  • A management decision after an evaluation of the audit findings and recommendations
  • The final action taken to resolve the audit findings and recommendations

Audits are selected based on a number of factors, including:

  • Statutory requirements
  • Importance of the activity on Agency mission and strategic objectives
  • Agency staff comments regarding observed weaknesses, perceived vulnerabilities, or inefficiencies
  • Complaints from individuals outside the agency, including Congress, the media, and the public

The OIG performs its audits in accordance with Government Auditing Standards.

Duty to Cooperate with the OIG Auditor

FMC employees have a duty to cooperate in audits conducted by the OIG and to respond to questions asked by an OIG auditor.

Employee Rights — Protection from Reprisal or Retaliation

Per the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended [PDF, 624 KB] and the whistleblower protections [PDF, 624 KB], no one may retaliate, or seek revenge against an employee or engage in any act of reprisal based upon the employee complaining to or cooperating with the OIG.


Final audit reports are generally provided to the Commission and management officials responsible for implementing the recommendation(s). All OIG audits and reviews are posted on the OIG’s webpage and can be downloaded.

If you wish to receive electronic or hard copies of OIG reports when they are issued, please send a request to oig@fmc.gov and be sure to provide us with your email address.

Previous Reports

Fiscal Year 2009

Fiscal Year 2008

Fiscal Year 2007

Fiscal Year 2006