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Forms and Applications

For Ocean Transportation Intermediaries

Automated Application for a License as an Ocean Transportation Intermediary (Online FMC-18)

Ocean Transportation Intermediary License Application Worksheet (Paper Worksheet FMC-18 [PDF, 598 KB])

Foreign Based Unlicensed NVOCC Registration (New application and changes) (FMC-65 [PDF, 146 KB)

Foreign Based Unlicensed NVOCC Registration (Renewals) (FMC-65 Renewals)

Ocean Transportation Intermediary Bond (FMC-48 [PDF, 77.1 KB])

Optional Rider for Additional NVOCC Financial Responsibility (FMC-48A [PDF, 70.5 KB])

Ocean Transportation Intermediary Group Bond Form (FMC-69 [PDF, 81.3 KB])

Optional Rider for Additional NVOCC Financial Responsibility for Group Bonds (FMC-69A [PDF, 74.1 KB])

Ocean Transportation Intermediary Insurance (FMC-67 [PDF, 79.1 KB])

Ocean Transportation Intermediary Guaranty (FMC-68 [PDF, 79.5 KB])

For Passenger Vessel Operators

  • Application for Certificate of Financial Responsibility (Form FMC-131 [PDF, 101 KB])
  • Passenger Vessel Surety Bond (Performance) (FMC-132A [PDF, 54.2 KB]) 
  • Passenger Vessel Surety Bond – Casualty (FMC-132B [PDF, 48.5 KB]) 
  • Guaranty in Respect of Liability for Nonperformance (FMC-133A [PDF, 152 KB]) 
  • Guaranty in Respect of Liability for Death or Injury (FMC-133B [PDF, 47.7 KB])
  • Appendix A to Subpart A of Part 540 — Example of Escrow Agreement [PDF, 104 KB]

For Filing an Agreement

Information Form for Agreements (FMC-150 [PDF, 178 KB]) and Data Template (MS Excel [XLSX, 38.1 KB])

Instructions [PDF, 37.6 KB] for the Monitoring Report Form

Monitoring Report Form (FMC-151 [PDF, 65.4 KB]) and Monitoring Report Form in (MS Word [DOC, 109 KB)

For Service Contracts

Service Contract Registration (FMC-83 [PDF, 146 KB])

For Filing a Tariff

Common Carrier Tariff and MTO Schedule Registration Form (FMC-1)

Additional Information

Circular Letter No. 1-97 requires entities to provide us with your taxpayer identification number (TIN).  This form [PDF, 2594 B] has been provided for your convenience in doing so.

For Non-Attorneys Practicing Before the FMC

Instructions for Applying to Practice Before the Commission for Non-Attorneys

Application for Admission to Practice Before the Federal Maritime Commission (Form FMC-12 [PDF, 694 KB])