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Commissioner Sola Attends Cruise Forward Summit to Talk About Zero Emission Efforts in the Maritime Industry

Commissioner Sola sitting on a chair before a TV camera

Commissioner Louis E. Sola participated on a panel at the Cruise Forward Summit that addressed “Pathways to Net Zero Emissions by 2050” for maritime transport.

The Cruise Lines International Association organized the summit held in Miami, FL from November 29, 2023 through December 1, 2023.

Commissioner Sola highlighted regulatory issues related to maritime decarbonization efforts and discussed his vision for the role the Federal Maritime Commission could play in helping the shipping industry meet its 2050 net zero emission targets.

He referenced his November 8th, 2023 letter to President Biden that conveyed his concerns about the “lack of coherent benchmarks” in the International Maritime Organization’s zero emission initiatives. Thus, calling upon an alternate marine fuels challenge to improve regulatory policies and funding support from the United States government for port infrastructure.

The panel took place on November 30th, 2023. The Commissioner continues to show his support in the transition to alternate marine fuels by speaking to industry experts across the country.