Home > FTDO > Statement of Commissioner Carl W. Bentzel on the Extended Weekend Gates at SSA Terminals in Oakland, Seattle, and Tacoma

Statement of Commissioner Carl W. Bentzel on the Extended Weekend Gates at SSA Terminals in Oakland, Seattle, and Tacoma

“I was recently briefed by SSA on an innovative approach that their terminals in Oakland, Seattle, and Tacoma are rolling out next month to track and analyze the potential of providing extended weekend hours for shippers. SSA explained that shippers will have the option to schedule a time during the week to pick up cargo on Saturday and Sunday.  I greatly appreciate any policy efforts to extend gate time availability at U.S. marine terminals. A workable, flexible approach to maximize exiting hours and provide options for shippers to move cargo during off peak hours could be greatly beneficial as we continue to unclog our supply chain. I am looking forward to reviewing SSA’s data and the analysis on the viability of this new process.”

Carl W. Bentzel is a Commissioner with the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission. The thoughts and comments expressed here are his own and do not necessarily represent the position of the Commission.