Home > FTDO > Statement of Commissioner Carl W. Bentzel on Urging Greater Collaboration Between the FMC and University Supply Chain Programs to Create Better Workforce and Policy Opportunities

Statement of Commissioner Carl W. Bentzel on Urging Greater Collaboration Between the FMC and University Supply Chain Programs to Create Better Workforce and Policy Opportunities

Today, I wrote to deans and directors of supply chain programs across the United States drawing their attention to opportunities that exist at the Federal Maritime Commission for their students.

Better collaboration with university supply chain programs has been a priority of mine throughout my FMC term.  Developing ties between the Commission and university supply chain programs can lead to greater communication, productive partnerships, and when appropriate, possibly even collaboration on some projects.

University supply chain programs are training the next generation of workers and leaders.  It is important that these students are well rounded with the broad perspectives necessary to work in an industry that is international in scope.   Internships at government agencies, such as the Federal Maritime Commission, can be a valuable way to build skills and knowledge beneficial to a career in logistics.  Additionally, the federal government provides many opportunities for recent college graduates.

Carl W. Bentzel is a Commissioner with the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission. The thoughts and comments expressed here are his own and do not necessarily represent the position of the Commission.