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Passenger Vessel Operators


Passenger Vessel Operators (PVOs) subject to FMC regulations are cruise lines that operate vessels having berth or stateroom accommodations for 50 or more passengers that embark passengers at U.S. ports.

How to apply for a PVO certificate

How to obtain refunds from the PVO in the event of nonperformance

Passenger Vessel Operators are required to provide clear instructions on their websites as to how passengers may obtain refunds in the event of nonperformance of transportation. Please click the list below which contains the most current website address for PVOs refund instructions.

How to obtain refunds from the financial instrument in the event of nonperformance

Passengers may submit a claim against the PVO’s Financial Instrument for Nonperformance of Transportation, if:

  1. The claim has been submitted to the PVO and is unable to be resolved within 180 days or such shorter claim period under the PVO’s claims procedure, or
  2. The claim has been denied by the PVO.

If these conditions apply, contact the Commission’s Bureau of Certification and Licensing at pvo@fmc.gov for claim process information against the PVO’s Financial Instrument.

Proof of Financial Responsibility

Proof of financial responsibility is required for PVOs to qualify for issuance of a Performance Certificate (46 CFR § 540.7) and is required for PVOs to qualify for issuance of a Casualty Certificate (46 CFR § 540.25). The U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security is required to refuse clearance (46 USC § 44105) of a vessel at a port or place of departure from the United States that does not have FMC-issued, Performance and Casualty Certificates evidencing that the PVO has obtained the required financial coverage in compliance with Public Law 89-77 (46 USC Chapter 441) and the FMC’s PVO regulations (46 CFR § 540).

PVO Performance Certificates

A PVO must apply for and obtain a FMC-issued Performance Certificate before advertising or booking passengers on a cruise embarking passengers at U.S. ports. The actual coverage amount is determined by the Commission (currently capped at $32 million). PVOs that hold FMC Performance Certificates are required to provide unearned passenger revenue reports (46 CFR § 540.9) to the Commission. Performance Certificates:

Application Process for Evidencing Financial Responsibility

  1. An application for a performance certificate must be submitted at least 60 days in advance of arranging, offering, advertising or providing any water transportation or tickets for a cruise embarking passengers from U.S. ports (whichever is earlier). An application for a casualty certificate must be submitted at least 60 days prior to sailing from a U.S. port.
  2. To apply for either certificate, submit Form FMC-131 [PDF, 101 KB] : Application for Certificate of Financial Responsibility, to the Commission with the appropriate fee for a Performance Certificate and/ or the appropriate fee for a Casualty Certificate. Make your check payable to the Federal Maritime Commission and submit to the Bureau of Certification and Licensing.
  3. Applications may be hand-delivered during normal Commission business hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, or mailed to: Secretary, Federal Maritime Commission, Room 1046, 800 North Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC 20573.

PVO Casualty Certificates

A PVO must apply for and obtain a FMC-issued Casualty Certificate before embarking passengers at U.S. ports. The coverage amount is based on the number of passenger accommodations aboard the vessel (46 CFR § 540.24). Casualty Certificates:

  • Are used to meet liability incurred for death or injury to passengers or other persons on voyages to or from U.S. ports
  • Evidence financial responsibility established by insurance, surety bond, self-insurance, guaranty, and escrow account


  • Application for Certificate of Financial Responsibility (Form FMC-131 [PDF, 101 KB])
  • Passenger Vessel Surety Bond (Performance) (FMC-132A [PDF, 54.2 KB]) 
  • Passenger Vessel Surety Bond – Casualty (FMC-132B [PDF, 77 KB]) 
  • Guaranty in Respect of Liability for Nonperformance (FMC-133A [PDF, 152 KB]) 
  • Guaranty in Respect of Liability for Death or Injury (FMC-133B [PDF, 77 KB])
  • Appendix A to Subpart A of Part 540 — Example of Escrow Agreement [PDF, 104 KB]


Passenger Vessel Operators (PVO) Program

Phone: 202-523-5818

Fax: 202-566-5830

Email: pvo@fmc.gov