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Law and Reference Library

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The Law and Reference Library is open to the public!

By appointment only: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday (Eastern)
*Closed weekends and Federal Holidays

The Federal Maritime Commission’s law/reference library holdings consist of specialized material primarily covering the various segments of the international shipping industry, as well as historical and current regulatory materials covering all phases of shipping in the U.S. foreign trades.

The Library is an information source for Commission staff, government agencies, private organizations, and the public.

Members of the public are welcome to visit the Library and use the materials; however, all collection materials must be used in the Library during Library hours of operation and by appointment. Library materials will only be released through an interlibrary loan request. The Library accepts requests from other libraries by phone, fax, or through Online Computer Library Center (OCLC).

The Library’s OCLC symbol is: DRF. If the borrowing library does not use the OCLC interlibrary loan system, a signed American Library Association interlibrary loan form is required. The Library will only loan books and reports through the interlibrary loan system, and loans are limited to a two-week period with a one-week renewal.


Phone: 202-523-5725
Email: Secretary@fmc.gov